Source: sputils.lib.js

 * @namespace sputils.lib
 * @summary
 * symbols defined here are available inside internally in sputils as is, and
 * do not need full qualification. E.g. using `tap` in the module `sputils.user`
 * would not require one to type `sputils.lib.tap`, but simply `tap` will do.

 * @ignore
 * @constructor
 * @desc
 * Internal API, for the time being.
 * `Cctx` is a usability wrapper for a SharePoint ClientContext
 * @example
 * new Cctx(sharepointClientContext)
function Cctx(spClientContext) {
  this._cctx = spClientContext;

Cctx.prototype = {
   * @method Cctx.prototype.executeQuery
   * @summary
   * wrapper around the clientContext.executeQueryAsync, that returns a promise.
   * @returns {Promise<Void>} resolves when the query has been executed.
  executeQuery: function () {
    var c = this._cctx;
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      c.executeQueryAsync(resolve, function fail(cctx, failInfo) {
        var msg = [
          'ClientContext.executeQueryAsync failed',
        var err = new Error(msg);

 * "taps" a function to produce a side effect
 * but wrap it in an identity fn, which simply
 * returns the argument which was passed to it.
 * @function sputils.lib.tap
var tap = function (fn) {
  return function (value) {
    return value;

 * Get a value deeply from an object without crashing on nulls.
 * This function is dynamic, so can be bound or just assigned to an
 * object.
 * Can be used to "index" arrays.
 * @function sputils.lib.getval
 * @param {string} subscript - the subscript string, i.e. 'a.b.c.prop'
 * @param {Optional<object>} root - the root object. Defaults to this.
 * @returns {string} the value of the prop, if exists else undefined
 * @example
 * var obj = {a:{b:{c:{}}}}
 * var c = sputils.lib.getval('a.b.c', obj);
 * c === obj.a.b.c;
 * var none = sputils.lib.getval('a.b.1.notHere', obj);
 * none === void 0;
 * // dynamic binding
 * testObjects.getval = sputils.lib.getval;
 * expect(testObjects.getval('a.b')).to.equal(testObjects.a.b);
 * // any kind of property name is allowed, excepting period.
 * var getval = sputils.lib.getval;
 * var res = getval('a.b.d.2.long prop name', testObjects);
 * expect(res).to.equal(testObjects.a.b.d[2]['long prop name']);
var getval = function recur(subscript, root) {
  if (this === sputils.lib) {
    return, subscript, root);
  root = (root || this) || global;

  // if subscript already is an array, just use it.
  var parts = subscript.constructor === ([]).constructor ?
    subscript : subscript.split('.');
  var nextProp = parts[0];
  var next = root[nextProp];
  if (next !== void 0) {
    if (parts.length > 1) {
      return recur(parts.slice(1), next);

    return next;

  return void 0;

sputils.lib = {
  getval: getval,
  tap: tap